Time Magazine has named President Trump MAN of The Year, but in the true spirit of the age, we all found this out 24 hours before it became official, once the story started trending on X.
While X has now become a far more important platform to discover the news than the magazines of yesterday, Time’s acknowledgment of President Trump’s dominance over this year’s news cycle has a profound subtext.
Arthur Schopenhauer is often attributed with the following aphorism: "All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident." I cannot think of a better way to describe the legacy media's relationship with Donald Trump. I would know because I stood by Donald Trump from the moment he descended his golden escalator at Trump Tower to make an announcement that changed the history of the world.
When he first declared his intention to enter the Republican primary on the 16th of June, 2015, Donald J. Trump was mocked by the media and even some in the GOP. They derided him as a gameshow host, a reality tv star and someone who loved golf a little too much. They did not take his campaign seriously.
What they failed to understand is that the American Dream isn’t a product of the Beltway, but that instead, it is the product of innovators, entrepreneurs and those whose imaginations are readily mobilized in the spirit of patriotism.
Donald Trump’s American Dream did not begin in 2015 and it did not begin within the world of politics. It began in the 1970s at a time when New York City was bankrupt, full of crime, suffering from regular arson attacks and losing both locals and tourists alike. While many wrote the city off as a lost cause, Donald Trump saw an opportunity for revival, growth and rejuvenation.
Trump’s interviews in the 1970s laid out a bold vision of Making New York City Great Again. By the mid 1980s, Manhattan was booming and the man at the center of it all was Donald Trump. He dared to dream the impossible dream and in a few short years, it had become reality. He did the things that others said could not be done.
It was in the 80s that Trump began speaking more about national politics and global trade. Donald Trump’s interviews from this period lay the foundation for all the main policy points that are central to what would become the MAGA Movement.
Trump said that we needed our industry to come back home. He said that while trade is a good thing, we need to stop allowing friends and competitors to screw us through bad deals. He talked about the importance of spending American revenue on America first, rather than sending all of our cash to ungrateful recipients overseas. Trump was a serious political visionary and when he came down that escalator in 2015, this was the Trump who had enough of leaving it to others to get the job done.
The media continued to mock Trump throughout the 2016 election, even after he won the Republican primary. When he beat Hillary Clinton, this mockery metamorphosed to a declaration of war.
By early 2021, the media and their allies in big tech attempted to write Donald Trump out of history. They silenced his voice, intimidated his supporters and treated him like a war criminal who had been deposed in a violent third world uprising.
When this happened, rather than stand up and tell the truth about the greatest economy in the world, business opportunities for all, the best trade deals the US ever signed and cuts to taxation and regulation that benefited people from coast-to-coast, many of his allies abandoned him.
How many influencers and elected officials said that it was time to “move on from Trump”? How many of them began to look to lesser figures to lead the GOP? How many spoke absurdly of “Trumpism without Trump”? How many called the greatest president we have known a “liability”?
The answer is that too many in the professional political and commentating class did this. But there was one group who never bought the lie. That group was, and remains, the American people. Millions of Americans suffering from the extreme inflation of the Biden/Harris administration knew that President Trump had unfinished business. He had a country to save, and before that, an election to win in a fashion that would be too big for anyone to rig or dispute.
Were it up to the media, President Trump would be on his way to jail. Because it was up to the people, President Trump is on his way back to the White House. Even a bullet could not derail this great comeback.
When it comes to that fateful day in Butler, PA, even the media realized something had changed. Unlike the Grinch, the media hasn’t grown a heart, but it seems that in a very small yet noticeable measure, they have grown a brain.
They know now that 2016 was not a fluke. Trump has staying power. Trump resonates with the struggling farmer, the overtaxed businessman, the mother seeking safety and good education for her child, the young men who want to be proud of themselves and of their country. They know now that Trump resonates with the American people more than their propaganda ever did.
Because of this, they are acknowledging, however grudgingly, that Trump and MAGA are epoch making forces in our politics and in society at large. They cannot stop the Trump train, so at long last, they have stopped trying to derail it…for now.
Even if they could derail it, other American Dreamers like Elon Musk have freed the media from the corrupt oligarchy that used to control what we saw and who we heard from. Trump might be Time’s MAN of The Year, but now and forever, he is something much more, he is America’s MAN OF THE PEOPLE. The inauguration cannot come soon enough!
Well said Nick! I am so grateful for God's mercy and grace on America, and for the resolve of We The People to stand for what is good, right and true. To be undeterred by the naysayers and liars. I have to admit, in 2015, I wasn't sure. I didn't know a lot about Trump at the time, but I read God's Chaos Candidate by Lance Wallnau, and I was all in. I understood what, and who, was behind the making of our 45th & 47th President Donald J Trump. I believe, with God at the center, America, as a light on the hill CAN be the greatest it's ever been. I continue to pray for God's miracles and God's protective hands upon our nation as President Donald J Trump and his team, and WE THE PEOPLE, lead our nation out of the tunnel of darkness we have been going down. I pray for a standard of righteousness, truth and justice to arise that will leave a legacy of hope for future generations to come. And, God Bless You Nick!
Fight-Fight-Fight!!! Flush the toilet DJT! 🇺🇸👍🏻